Wednesday, November 21, 2007

visa, visa, VISA

I GOT MY VISA! finally! i was so worried they weren't gonna give it to me! but i got it! it came yesterday, but i missed it, so i picked it up today. the visa is valid from january 8 to july 8th. i wish i could stay the whole time :]

i'm dying to leave! i'll be home sick, but i'm so sick of the rules around here, i can't wait to be on my own ;]

Saturday, November 3, 2007

paperwork, visa, scholarship

well, i was told i should keep a journal of some sort as i study this is simply for those purposes [i have the personal journal elsewhere]. sooooo we'll start from the beginning with all the paperwork stuff....

i got accepted at the school in bilbao, spain in september i believe. so i had all these forms to fill out, about my housing & classes. well with that out of the way, i had to apply for my visa....which was a headache! i did about 4 copies, all of which i was never satisfied with. i handed this stuff in a month ago, now im scared my visa application was denied since i havent heard back. but i still have my fingers crossed. they probably denied it when they saw my ugly picture with the bright blue hollister shirt haha.

anyway, i also applied for a scholarship. might i add, i doubt i wouldda gotten $100 if i had written it! so thanks for my sister on that, i recieved $1300 for my trip. as my bestie said, i wish i couldda gone shopping with that money, but i cant, since it'll be deducted from the $6k i owe for the program.

so now, im just going to orientations about studying abroad, collecting things to take aka shopping, & well, im kindda nervous. the guys at work keep saying to take a bag full of condoms since the foreign ones might not work....but we know that wont be necessary :]

i can almost gurantee i'll be super homesick! when am i not?! i cry when my family leaves to mexico for 2 weeks! but i hope i can suck it up & be a big girl & as an old friend said, "visit marshmallow land"....for the spanish speakers "tierra de los bombones" aka sexy men!