Tuesday, April 22, 2008


soooo! i had told my sister about the weekend and how i was blamed for no one hanging out with one of the girls. and how on monday she comes up to me and says "i was told you said i blew you off"...well who said that? take a wild guess? YES! JACK! i thought he stopped with that bullshit, but apparently he's still that way. just goes to show he's a 19 year old IMMATURE guy (girl? lol)....i dont know about those two (jack and serena) because they say one thing, and then they change it up. whenever they have to take responsibility about something they said, they ALWAYS say it was me. good thing this girl came up to me and talked about it, and she told me it was jack who said it, so i told her HE told me that in MY apartment after he talked to her roommate. so whatever. i have like 3 weeks left with them as "friends"...so whatevs. i just wanna go home to MY non-friends (aka twiggy lol)...which reminds me, idk if i should call her to say happy birthday. she's been shady and in love with her mexican rich girls, so i might say "i tried calling" but actually don't. idk...i might just not even talk to her when i get back home....i should start by taking her off my top friends huh...haha


AnoMALIE said...

Whoa... wait... what? What are you talking about here? Who confronted you (because that girl deserves a fucking medal for being upfront, and not shady and retarded like the rest of the kids!)?

TravelinDin said...

ummm she's one of the mexican girls here...i dont think you met her. but she was telling me she was angry and mad at me and thats why she was rude on monday...but she's cool now that we talked about it. love it...us mexicans know how to do shit straight up...or maybe its cuz we're not 19

AnoMALIE said...

Blog, damn it! BLOG!!!

Just a week dude, then this'll all be a memory...

believe me, I thought I wouldn't miss much from Bilbao... but I do... kind of... bad.
I even miss Brick Wall's weirdo comments and weird food concoctions!