Thursday, February 21, 2008

my family's dumb...well some.

sometimes i wonder why my family is kindda, not all there. for example, if you're my friend on myspace, why are you showing your parents my pictures? i understand no one in my family has been to spain (i dont think so atleast) and you're probably excited saying "MAMIIII! mire! dinora fue a ver esta iglesia que esta MUYYYY grande! y tambien mire! ay...porque tiene esa cosa dinora en su nariz? y mire, esta tomando cerveza!"...but really, how my sister said, myspace is a place for friends not family. i might as well send all my pictures to be posted on the little town my parents are from's website. if i wanted the whole damn world to know what im doing on my spare time, i would send everyone a cd with all my pictures. some things are just meant to be private my friend.

anyway! well my pretty little dumb cousin has fallen into the immature trap of "ahh! you posted a bulletin saying you're mad at me...well take this! im taking you off my top friends!" do i care? no, not really. maybe if you were my favorite cousin in the whole wide world who i told all my secrets too, and who i spent most of my childhood with, and who took me everywhere and we were inseperable (mooney please note i just described you! haha)...but really, you're just the cousin that...well, is the daughter of my dad's dumb little sister. in all reality, you're a cool girl, but you definitely dont know how to be a cousin. you prefer your boyfriend's little family over your own. and dont think i'll ever forget how you would rather spend time with your dumb boyfriend over going to mass in memory of our dead grandma. take me off your top friend's page, i can play that game too...fuck you whenever i get home! you're just someone that lives at my GRANDPA'S house...

ok, so my venting for the day is done with. i think i might go comment her page right now and "see how she's doing and how things are going?" lol...i have an hour and a half to kill...i think i might book my barcelona flight back home and see if i can squeeze in another city to visit the following weekend with my sister.


AnoMALIE said...

Dude! Why do you do that! I would have left it at nothing. Screw talking to her.

Mooney said...

Aww! Te quiero mucho prima! Wish you were here for my b-day. You know I got your back.