Saturday, February 2, 2008

fun but irritating

wellllll! so far, things have been good. theres still some issues i gotta get through, but whatever. barcelona is a beautiful city so i try not to worry about what unzzel can do, but whatev. my brother is being a fuckin drunk ass that does stupid shit, you know how he can get! he tries talking like a ::spaniard:: but he cant cuz he does this stupid accent! like the guys here at the hostel are brazilian so he tries to imitate them. whatever hes a drunk dumbass lol

well unzzel es una llorona que llora por todo! como horita, esta chillando quien sabe porque. segun tenia sueño y horita esta hablando con grace llorando por nada. se sigue disculpando y que ::ayy perdona que estoy de mamona y no quiero salir:: like it seriously bugs me. en la mañana esta de mamona porque mi hermano estaba en la computadora checkando su email. me hace enojar tando de vez en cuando. entiendo que cuando esta tomada actua como mamona, pero cada el pinche rato! no manches guey....callate el osico! no la entiendo cuando trae su maldito attitude...ahhh i should just shut up!

ahhh another thing that mom cant getting my nose pierced tomorrow! :[ butttt only if its a smalllll ring. i might take it out my last day in la...before i get back home. and by the super excited that my sister is coming for spring break! get ready to go to london, paris, milan, rome, and maybe portugal!

1 comment:

AnoMALIE said...

Wait, wait, waaaaaaaaaait!!
A nose ring?!?!
No... just no.
Don't do it...
DO you really want an extra hole on your nose?
Don't you complain about how you don't like your nose? If that's the case, why would you like to call attention to it?
Dude... don't do it... don't, don't do it (remember, we don't scar up so nicely... you really want a scar on your nose? Go for the belly if that's the case, fool)